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> Cat sniffs the contents of the bag to determine if goblins were involved or if it has another familiar smell of an enemy

Cat's sensitive nose senses no trace of goblin, but instead the unmistakable scent of a wild beast, specifically a puma. She instinctively investigates the scene. 


Though she can't say much, she finds an elvish styled arrow embedded near the branch. Her guess is a puma hunted someone, possibly as part of a party and was chased off. Though there was a few drops of blood amongst the leaf litter. Why the clothes and pack were left remained a mystery.


[17:00 Spring 11th, 11C, mostly cloudy]

The group tensely watched the goblins who were still oblivious to their presence. The wind carried the Goblins' scent East and they were all watching West.


Of the goblins three of them have 3/4 cover in the trees, one has half cover, and the hobgoblin is exposed as he's hiding at ground level behind a trunk as he looks up the road.

REQUIRED ACTION Attack or sneak around or other.

Ashley hides and waits for the decision.