thumbnail of Ashley 234.jpg
thumbnail of Ashley 234.jpg
Ashley 234 jpg
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thumbnail of Reverse Ambush [Round 1-2].jpg
thumbnail of Reverse Ambush [Round 1-2].jpg
Reverse Ambush [Round... jpg
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[Round 1]

Yulya moves North of Ashley after successfully casting Bless on everyone using her holy symbol instead of holy water. Bless will last 10 turns as long as Yulya concentration is not broken.

Yulya now has 2MP and a fully charged focus of 6MP but using it for a spell that is less than level 5 will have unknown results. It cannot be used like a battery unless you have that skill or attribute. She doesn't.

Chapter 10, p. 203 of the PHB: A character can use a… spellcasting focus… in place of the components specific for a spell. But if the cost is indicated for a component, a character must have that specific component before he or she can cast the spell. Bless is pretty good actually.

Cat tries to stay under cover, shoots the [veteran] hobgoblin, and moves South.
Cat uses her longbow +1 [1d20+4+1d4=8,13 vs AC18] 
The arrow wizzes over his head, he looks around. [1d20=7,3] He remarks to himself, "must have been a bird."

Alice fires her bow within range and also moves south.
[1d20+5+1d4=17,20 vs AC18] Alice's arrow strikes the Hobgoblin in the shoulder for... [1d6+3=8 piercing damage] He's nearly staggered but is still standing tall.  

Ashley casts Summon Mechathereal Lynx 10ft ahead and Helena pops out of the aether from the negative plane. [Ashley has 2MP left]

Helena moves toward the Hobgoblin and attempts to pounce. Unfortunately her summons were just out of reach to flank, but Bless carries to her summons and since this is an ambush they'll get advantage because of surprise.
[HIT 1d20+4+1d4=(25,18)] [CON 1d20+1=3] Helena hits the Hobgoblin with Claw. [1d4+3=6 Magic Slashing Damage] [STR 1d20+1=20] The Hobgoblin is noticeably hurt but resists being grappled.

Betsie and Barbie both attempt to grapple. [STR 1d20+1=17,4 vs DC10] The Hobgoblin bats Betsie away but Barbie successfully grapples him. Since he is grappled by a creature two sizes smaller, she will only have advantage on attacks, The Hobgoblin is not hindered by her.

Betsie and Barbie attempt to sting.
[1d20+4+1d4=(24,20),(12,17) vs AC18] Betsie manages to sting for... [1d4=1 poison damage] The hobgoblin looks wary and is almost down.

[Round 2]

All the goblins train their bows on Helena. [1d20+4=22,5,11,20] Two manage to hit for... [1d6+2=4,3] Two arrows stick out of her back but she's not down yet.

The Hobgoblin swings his long sword at Helena. [1d20+3=16] and hits for... [1d10+1=11] Helena took a lot of damage and simply pops back to the negative plane.

Ashley controls herself and doesn't dry out in anguish.

The goblins look around, wondering where these monsters came from. [1d20-1=5]

Surprisingly the Hobgoblin and Goblins consider themselves lucky, discovering no other dangers, and run toward Betsie and Barbie, losing their cover.  

Two more small goblins emerge from the vegetation near Betsie and Barbie, they have run down from further North and reach them, ready to attack next turn.

Ashley looks to Yulya, and shakes her head, then whispers with a sigh, "We'll be stinking like Goblins before the end today."

Because the enemies didn't notice you, you will have surprise (advantage) next round as well. Betsie and Barbie will not.