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[Round 2]

> Cat wastes no time and rushes on. She moves 30ft west with stealth and then shoots goblin #2
[1d20+4+1d4=12,15 vs AC15][1d8+2=8] The arrow flies true and strikes the goblin through the skull, it falls without even a peep. The others look back to see what was wrong with him and realize he's unconscious.

> Alice also moves west 40ft and shoots goblin #3
[1d20+5+1d4=14,25 vs AC15][1d6+3=8] Alice's arrow follows suit and strikes the much larger Goblin #3, he's close to death.

> Yulya stealthily moves 10ft W and 5ft SW Then she quietly chants and casts BANE on goblin 1,5 and the hobgoblin. Then she retreats the same way back using stealth.

I have decided to allow multiple concentration spells at once, but if Yulya loses concentration all her concentration spells end.

[1d20-1=13,7,10 vs DC15] They are all under the influence of Bane.
Yulya has 1MP left

Ashley edges forward so ensure her babies can flank and casts summon mechathereal cats 10ft toward the goblins and whispers to them, "Go fourth my babies!" Then she moves back. Ashley has 1MP left.

Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth move toward the goblins trying to gain flanking them with Betsie and Barbie. Mrs. B attacks the hobgoblin with advantage...
[1d20+4+1d4=11,19][CON 1d20+1-1d4=4] and hits for, [1d4+2=6 magic slashing damage] The hobgoblin goes down.
Mr. Bigglesworth similarly attacks Goblin #1,
[1d20+4+1d4=17,19][CON 1d20+1-1d4=2] and hits for, [1d4+2=3 magic slashing damage] Goblin #1 shakes off the hit, "It's just a scratch kitty kitty." he says creepily.

Barbie and Betsie attempt to grapple Goblin 1,
[STR 1d20+1-1d4=-1,1 vs DC10] They're both able to grapple and attempt to sting with advantage and bless.
[1d20+4+1d4=(13,24 CRIT),(26,21) vs AC15] both sink their stingers in, [1d4x2+1d4=12 damage!] Goblin #1 is down, the poison races through his veins causing him to expire instantly.

[Round 3]
The goblins obviously realize the jig is up. [1d20-1=19] They trace back the shots and sounds to their sources, everyone loses stealth and surprise is also lost.

Goblin #6 runs off Northwest screaming like the world is ending. 
Goblin #3 and #4 flank Mrs. Bigglesworth and attack. 
[1d20+4=(19,6),(18)] Goblin #4 attacks Mrs. B [1d6+2=5] She pops out of existence. While Goblin #3 attacks Mr. B [1d6+2=3] Mr. B is injured but not out! [He has 2/5 HP]

Goblin #5 swings at Betsie [1d20+4-1d4=4] but misses. Then disengages moves Northeast among the trees and hides. [1d20+6=10] He is in full cover but fails to hide completely from anyone.

Goblin #4 and #3 disengage and do the same. &[1d20+6=10,26] All are in full cover and Goblin #3 is hidden.