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thumbnail of Ashley Humble Self.jpg
Ashley Humble Self jpg
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thumbnail of Reverse Ambush [Round 4].jpg
Reverse Ambush [Round... jpg
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> Cat enters RAGE and uses FELINE AGILITY to attack goblin 4 and 3 with her great sword

[1d20+7=27 CRIT!, 17][(2d6+5+2)x2+2d6+3+2=36 damage!] Both goblins are cut in two by the slice of this blow, they both perish instantly.

I should mention your claws have a lot of benefits for attacking multiple creatures Nick, Graze, Critical bonuses as well, keep that in mind.

> Alice moves the 40ft N and shoots goblin #6 with her bow

Alice moves 40ft North looking for a clean shot but the best she can do is fire at Goblin #5 with 75% cover, giving the Goblin effectively AC20
[1d20+5=9] The arrow sticks into the tree.

Goblin 6 fled the field North, there is no clear shot and you can't find them.

Yulya casts SACRED FLAME on the vile creature Since Goblin 5 is not hidden well, you can see them.

Remember you have the ring of quick casting, which gives you the opportunity to cast as many as 3 extra spells as a free action (3 per day).

[DEX 1d20+2-1d4(BANE)=13] The goblin is engulfed in bright light and is burned [1d8=1] The light is obscured by dirt and the goblin is barely bothered. (it was just a bad roll, this is flare)

[Ashley's Turn]

I move back 30ft to stay out of the range of the goblin and hides behind cover. I then call rally growth! "Attack! Avenge Mrs. Bigglesworth!"

Betsie, Barbie and Mr. B surround and flank the remaining Goblin and attack. Barbie and Betsie attempt to grapple Goblin 5
[STR 1d20+1-1d4=10,3 vs DC10] Barbie is able to grapple the Goblin.
[1d20+4+1d4=(14,24),(10,12),(23,26)] [CON 1d20-1d4=8] Betsie and Mr. B hit, The goblin takes [1d4+2+1d4=8 Poison and magic slashing] The goblin perishes on the spot in am eruption of blood and poison.

CONGRATULATIONS! The party receives 700XP total (175XP each) Next level is 3000XP. I am redefining the level XPs but for level 3 it won't change. I have adjusted the amount of XP gained by 2x due to the large number of enemies against a party of 4. The rolls went your way once again, don't get too cocky.

Mr. Bigglesworth finishes off the hobgoblin with a series of slashes to his face.
Ashley calls for Rally heal and Mr. Bigglesworth is healed from negative plane energy.
Betsie and Barbie stink Goblin #2 mercilessly until he takes his last breath.
[1d20=5] For now at least no more enemies are coming, so you collect your arrows, and among the trash armor and weapons they possess, you find:
-Extra large panties, probably worn by a half-orc, soiled but otherwise in good condition.
-Simple gold ring worth 30 gold.
-26 copper coins
Ashley takes 3 silver and 14 copper from the earlier purse found, and 3 of these copper coins.
"It ain't much, but it's honest work."