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thumbnail of Royal Dagger.jpg
Royal Dagger jpg
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Mr. Bigglesworth jpg
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> I am worried about the one goblin that escaped! We cannot stay we must get out of here quickly! But where should we go? Ashley can your summons detect any clue where that dwarves may have gone?

"I'm not promising anything, but let's see." I direct Mr. Bigglesworth to sniff put any trails. "A cat is not a bloodhound, but maybe he can find something."

Mr. Bigglesworth touches the ground where Ashley is pointing with his nose gingerly, then sits back and licks the blood off his paws.

Unfortunately Mr. Bigglesworth isn't trained to search and rescue, even with Ashley's connection all he can do is share his senses.

"As it turns out, his perception isn't much better than mine. He's got nothing. I think we need to follow the one who got away North. Let's use stealth the best we can. We're here to rescue dwarves, what other choice do we have? Let's get going."

There is a path headed north, there's enough cover for a stealthy approach.

[The dagger]
Even with guidance, Yulya does not see anything of use with Investigation. This would require testing through use or an identify spell.

The dagger has a royal crest on it and a greenish gem in the base. It looks expensive and far from ceremonial. It faintly feels magic and would probably cause magic damage. It's condition is good, this has been used. the focus is large enough to support several uses, it probably does something but it may need a word phrase or gesture to set it off.