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thumbnail of Ashley 222.jpg
Ashley 222 jpg
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thumbnail of HIDEOUT ROUND 00.jpg
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> Psst, gimme those goblin flasks! I will try to determine if the content is flammable enough to set them on fire!

> You really think this will burn Nya? I say we just shoot the ones outside Nya!

Alice sips the brew...
[1d20=20] Her eyes widen, surprisingly this is close to being pure alcohol, so strong it most likely will ignite and sustain and fire. Who would have thought these goblins could be distilling alcohol? Perhaps they aren't as dumb as they look.

Ashley overhears the conversation and whispers harshly, "Alice are you dumb? We want to rescue Gundren and Sildar, not kill them in the process."

> Yulya dons her shield
> As soon as you are ready I will cast BLESS on you again! I hope it will last long enough!

The goblins are mulling about, chattering to themselves.
Cat hears Goblin1 say, "There's a foul scent on the wind, where's Swaug and Beliel, they should have returned for their report by now. I'm giving them another minute before I go looking for them myself and if I find them fooling around I'll kill them myself!"

Cat hears Goblin4 say, "I still smell dwarf, there's got to be more running around out there."

Goblin1 responds, "Why do you think I sent Swaug and Beliel!? Now stop yammering and start listening, the scent is strong. Hey you two, fan out, we gotta find these sneaks!"

Goblin2 and Goblin3 ready their bows and will begin to move roughly in the direction of the smell momentarily.