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> pure alcohol
Alice's surprised look morphs into a diabolical grin
Cat, the oil and tinderbox! We will burn those fuckers. Total goblin death!

Alice distributes oil from Cat's oil flask between the 4 goblin flasks creating a sticky oil-alcohol mixture that will burn at high temperature, then cuts up the half orc panties with her dagger and stuffs wicks into the 4 bottles
I'll call it Alice cocktail MKI, it's not perfect but it will have to do for now!

> Ashley overhears the conversation and whispers harshly, "Alice are you dumb? We want to rescue Gundren and Sildar, not kill them in the process."
Alice turns around and replies with an expressionless face
Ashley, humanity didn't conquer the galaxy by facing enemies one-on-one in close combat but with scientifically optimized weapons of mass destruction. The human resourcefulness makes them the most powerful species. Truly terrifying! Even though the individual human is so laughably weak...

Now listen!
Can your wasps carry such a burning flask and drop it on the goblins heads? We will drone them with one Alice cocktail to cause confusion, then finish off the rest. Then throw one or two more into the entrance for my personal entertainment. I'm not waltzing in there without significantly weakening the enemy first, even if it causes collateral damage. We can't rescue anyone if we get taken out as well. Don't underestimate those creatures!