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Ashley calls Rally Growth, "Again, again, again!!!"

Mr. Bigglesworth, Barbie and Betsie move toward and flank the remaining goblin, surrounding Goblin2, and attack.
Barbie and Betsie attempt to grapple Goblin2 [STR 1d20+1=16,10 vs DC10] 
The Goblin evades them once again! 
[1d20+4+1d4=(7,15),(11,9),(18,22)] [CON 1d20=15 vs DC14] Barbie and Mr. B hit, The goblin takes 
[(1d4+1+1d4)*1.5=9 Poison and slashing]

The goblin falls in a heap of summons, he laments not even getting a shot off.

As the last goblin falls, Cat enters RAGE (last one) and moves 25ft N into the crevice around the corner from the narrow path. She waits crouching for an unsuspecting goblin to come down the path. She readies an attack with her claws using Nick.

Alice moves up flanking the entrance with Cat.

You will get your moves for Round 2 before the other goblins attack.

Several goblins race out of the cave along the dry path and engage Cat. Cat gets off the first hit.

[RAGE NICK][1d20+6+1d4B=(30,20)+1d4EB(10,20)] Cat critically hits the Goblin5 for... 
[(1d6+4+2)x2=12] downing him easily, and nicks Goblin6 for... [1d6+4+2=8] This goblin similarly falls to her merciless attacks.

Alice lets an arrow fly at Goblin7 [1d20+5+1d4=(13,20]] and hits for... [1d6+3=4] piercing damage.

Yulya casts Sacred Flame on the remaining goblin. [DEX 1d20+2=22] The goblin dodges the light and finally gets a turn! He swipes at Cat with his scimitar. [1d20+4=12] but it deflects off her armor. So he disengages and runs back into the cave.

Cat hears a big commotion coming.

[Round 3]

For this next round, you will have initiative, so make your moves and decisions based on the previous rounds and take any actions you want as part of that initiative. If you have moves left when they arrive, you will get to take them before them but you no longer have surprise or advantage because of that.