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Currently there are 6 unconscious goblins on the field. Goblin3 has stabilized after rolling 3 death saving throws in the positive. Goblin 1 and 4 are near death.

Cat moves 30ft South and gains full cover. Cat, I canceled your feline agility, there's no place 40ft south that would give you a clean shot at the entrance. So I moved you 30ft instead.

Alice follows next to Cat and prepares a crude firebomb. Alice in 30ft she made it there fine as well.

Mr. B, Betsie and Barbie ready themselves for the onslaught. Preparing to hold the line. They feel the rally and have gained AC and damage.

Yulya moves closer to Ashley. I moved you as far south as I could where you still had line of sight.
Yulya readies SACRED FLAME to burn the the most threatening goblin left after Ashleys and Cats attack.

The next wave of Goblins arrives, with five goblins, you see Goblin7 is still injured.

Cat shoots the first one she sees.
[1d20+4+1d4=10] Her shot misses. Embolding bong wouldn't have helped.

Mr. Bigglesworth, Barbie and Betsie move toward Goblin9 to flank and attack. Barbie and Betsie attempt to grapple Goblin9 [STR 1d20+1=2,17 vs DC10] Betsie manages to grapple Goblin9.
[1d20+4+1d4=(19,24),(20,9),(17,20)] [CON 1d20=13 vs DC14] They all hit, Goblin9 takes,
[(1d4+2+1d4)*1.5=9 Poison and magic slashing damage]/& Goblin9 is down. 
Barbie's target was downed so she moves to flank Goblin11.
[1d20+4+1d4=25] She hits for, [1d4=1] Since she rolled 1, she even 1.5x is 1 since it rounds down.

Yulya casts Sacred Flame on Goblin11.
[DEX 1d20+2=15 vs DC15] The goblin dodges the light again.  

Goblin7 runs to the source of the arrow.
Goblin8 and 10 flank Mr. Bigglesworth and attack with their scimitars.
[1d20+4=(20,12),(16,21)] Mr. B is hit by goblin8, [1d6+2=3 slashing damage] Mr. B pops out of the material plane in a puff of purple smoke to the confusion of the goblins.
Goblin 10 and 11 turn their scimitars on Betsie and Barbie. They manage to flank Betsie. [1d20+4=(19,8)] 
Betsie pops out of existence like a wisp of smoke.  
Goblin 11 turns on Barbie. [1d20+4=24] He critically hits Betsie and she's gone.
The goblins use their remaining turn to fanout while Goblin8 calls for more reinforcements and gains half cover just inside the cave.

[1d20-1=4] Goblin7 is looking but doesn't find anything. They know there's at least 2 enemies out here. 

Firebomb: As an action, a character can light this bomb and throw it at a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage. 1lb, 150gp

Alice's Makeshift Firebomb: As an action, a character can light this bomb and throw it at a point up to 20 feet away. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 5 fire damage. The lingering fire lasts 2 rounds and affects a circular area 5ft in radius. Additionally the creatures hit must succeed another DEX vs DC12 or be on fire for one round and will take an additional 1d6 fire damage next round. Cost:??? Weight 1lb.

Kashtan's Firebomb: As an action, a character can light this bomb and throw it at a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature within 7.5 feet of that point must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage and is on fire taking 1d6 damage per turn unless extinguished, passing a DC15 DEX, the condition will last 1d4 turns. Additionally, any mechanical means of extinguishing the flame will cause 1d4 slashing damage per attempt and any interaction with others attempting to extinguish it will cause them to become on fire for that turn and take 1d6 damage. Cost:??? weight 1lb.

Oil is an ingredient to a firebomb, not a firebomb. It is 1sp and only coats enemies in oil. Also coats surfaces and still water.