thumbnail of HIDEOUT ROUND 04.jpg
thumbnail of HIDEOUT ROUND 04.jpg
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thumbnail of Ashley Panther42.jpg
Ashley... jpg
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[Spring 12th, 01:00, 1C]

Goblin 1 and 4 have died.
Goblin 2 and 3 are stable

Alice attacks Goblin7 with her spear, 2-handed using DEX

You and Cat should have set up flank, keep that in mind next time. You could flank, attack, then jump back into the bushes if he was downed. However the way the goblin is positioned, flank is natural so I will automatically put Alice in flank position with Cat, surrounding the Goblin.

[1d20+4=(5,5)] Wow, it was a double critical miss, that never happens. Sorry Alice, even I felt that one. Embolding bond can't fix it. 
Alice misses horribly, unless her target was the ground, which it wasn't. The goblin sees that and laughs openly. Cat, being a smart girl, also sets up flank and attacks the Goblin, jumping out of the bushes...

Cat attack with her Claws using NICK
[1d20+6+1d4=(21,16)] [1d6+4+2=12 damage] nick wasn't needed, the goblin is down.

Alice jumps back into the bushes.

(Hidden rolls) Reinforcements have arrived
A 12th goblin steps out of the cave, "Get them you cowards!" he yells, though he's the smallest of the bunch. 

"Come on Helga, Time to play!" Ashley says to herself and casts Summon Mechathereal Lynx.
[1d4=3] Ashley bows and her cloths shed in a puff of fabric and leather, with a loud roar and a pop, Helga and Ashley Panther race toward the goblins.

Helga positions herself behind Goblin11.
Ashley Panther Pounces with Advantage due to the flank!
[1d20+4+1d4=(14,16)] She claws the goblin for, [CON 1d20=9 vs DC14] [2d4+2+2=9 magic slashing damage] The goblin is barely holding on, so she attempts a grapple as part of pounce, [STR 1d20-1=3 vs DC12] The goblin is grappled, [1d20+4+1d4=(19,11)] She then bites for, [CON 1d20=14 vs DC14] [2d4+2=6 piercing damage] The goblin is spent and is unconscious.

Ashley Panther then positions herself behind Goblin 10 and flanks with Helga, Helga attacks,
[1d20+4+1d4=(11,23)] [CON 1d20=15 vs DC14] [1d4+2=4 slashing damage]

Ashley Panther uses action surge, disengages, moves back and pounces on Goblin10 with advantage,
[1d20+4+1d4=(20,19)] She claws the goblin for, [CON 1d20=18 vs DC14] [2d4+2=7 slashing damage] The goblin is down.

Yulya casts Sacred Flame on Goblin12.
[DEX 1d20+2=14 vs DC15] Yulya finally is able to land a hit with sacred flame on a goblin. She does, [1d10=7] Radiant Damage on the Goblin, cooking him where he stands, and he falls over in steaming pile of rot.

Goblin8 desperately calls for more backup, let's off a wild shot toward Helga and escapes back into the cave.
[1d20+4=19] He hits Helga for, [1d6+2=5] Helga's still ticking though she's not looking well with that arrow sticking out of her head.

The round ends with a horrific battlefield full of dead and dying goblins, you can see Ashley Panther's head turn toward the cave entrance and the snarl on her face means she hears something big coming. Again, position yourselves for the next round.