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thumbnail of Cragmaw Leadership.jpg
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Ashley Panther hisses as the heavy stomps and rattling chains foretell the coming doom. 

Yulya bestows Heroism on Cat.
Cat immediately feels stronger. Cat's HP is now 25+15TEMP, each turn the 15HP temporary hit points will be renewed.

An especially large Goblin strolls out of the cave confidently, dwarfing Goblin8 who tails him timidly. He's holding a long heavy chain, and it trails off into the cave. They splash down into the stream and fan out, with a Hobgoblin and Hobgoblin Shaman close behind. The Goblin Boss cackles like a maniac as he sees the dead and dying goblins all around him, "They paid a heavy price for being so incompetent!" He calls out into the night, "Come out, come out little mosquitos, you've shed enough blood tonight. For if you do I'll spare your life and if you don't I'll show a fright!" 

Ashley Panther uses intimidation, snarling like a proud and angry panther. [1d20+6=14 vs DC10]

"Ahh! Ha ha ha, you gave me a fright I see, well in that case, let me indulge you!" He tugs on the chain and a well fed Green Dragon Wyrmling crawls out. Hobbled by chains that constrain her, she cannot fly and is limited to 20ft movement. "Meet my pet, Cragmaaaw!!!"

See Cragmaw Leadership.jpg from Left to right: Hobgoblin Elite, Hobgoblin Shaman, Goblin8, Goblin Boss, Chained Green Dragon Wyrmling

The dragon notes Ashley and smiles, then a deep growl bellows from her gaping mouth.

He tugs her chain and a spiked section digs into her neck where festering wounds expel puss as the dragon winces. "Go on then, you know what to do."

Cragmaw glares at him with hateful eyes then gazes out into the night, her blindsight sees past obstacles, and easily makes out Alice, Cat and Ulla among the trees. Her bloodshot eyes glare at them and she begins to speak in Draconic. The words are indecipherable but the inflections indicate distaste for the Boss, her words are somewhat elegant in a brash sort of way. Then her eyes flash and anyone not immune to Frightened or Fear is hit with a bone chilling fright.
Yulya and Alice [1d20+5=8 1d20=18 vs DC11] Alice shrugs off the fear but Yulya becomes frightened and has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the dragon is within her line of sight and can’t willingly move closer to the source of its fear.

Yulya, since you are effectively hiding behind a tree, you can occlude the dragon with the tree trunk and not suffer the effects while you do other things without the conditions. I'm adding this as a mechanic and you could do the same thing with a shield. You just can't have line of sight with the dragon without suffering the effects.

Ashley Panther and Cat are immune to frightened. Helga was outside the dragon's gaze cone.

You still have initiative.

Ashley Panther and Helga move to the Goblin Shaman, Helga sets up a flank.
Ashley Panther pounces with advantage with claw, [1d20+4+1d4=(19,18)][CON 1d20+2=10] and hits for [2d4+4=7 magic slashing damage.] She attempts to grapple [1d20+2=10] and succeeds! Then bites, [1d20+4+1d4=(11,25)][CON 1d20+2=4][2d4+4=9 magic slashing damage] 

Helga attacks the Hobgoblin Shaman, [1d20+4+1d4=(26,21)][CON 1d20+2=8][1d4+3=4]
The Hobgoblin Shaman is grappled, as Ashley Panther holds him by the neck, and cannot cast. He must use an action to try to escape, he had no weapon equipped when he was grappled so he cannot equip a weapon until freed. He is effectively stuck.

Time to be a hero is now or Ashley Panther will likely get mobbed and wiped out this turn.