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Ohnonono not again! Not another dragon!
Already traumatized from her first encounter with the ice dragon Yulya collapses under the spell of the green wyrmling and hides behind a tree.
Its almost over? Is that a joke? Oh yeah we are all going to die here!

The dragons words resonate deep within Yulya. She cannot understand them but she feels something like - pity? More for herself of course but Yulya tries to convince herself that the dragon could be turned into an ally. The enemy of my enemy is my friend right? Right?

Trying to block the view of the dragon with her shield Yulya sees how Cat runs straight at the monster. Yulya wonders if this indeed the effect of HEROISM or Cats stupidity and if she just sent her friend into certain death.

No time to worry about others. Yulya sees the hobgoblin elite move toward her and totally loses it
Alice! Throw that thing you made for heavens sake! Stop them! Burn them! But dont hit the dragon! Or whatever! Just do something!

Yulya panics and casts SACRED FLAME at the hobgoblin and uses her Ring of quick casting to churn out another blaze of SACRED FLAME at him. Then she retreats 20ft south and prays for the horror the end.