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Seeing the chained dragon approach, Alice's eyes light up as she readies her firebomb
Chicken dinner! With goblin seasoning!

The dragon's spell is powerless against a hungry alien monster that has set its eyes on a juicy prey. Alice is far too busy imagining what a spitroasted plump dragon tastes like to succumb to fear. But her dream about a plentiful warm meal bursts like a soap bubble as Cat storms forward to sympathize with said meal.''
Look at the knight in shining armor! How cliche!

Even Alice has to acknowledge that one less powerful enemy and one more equally powerful ally isn't so bad. But Cat and Ashley's attack seems suicidal and someone has to burn! Attacking the noisy goblin boss directly would be quite satisfying but the risk of hitting and pissing off the dragon seems too great. But they are standing in water. Burning oil and water make an interesting combination. Alice sighs and rolls her eyes.
If Cat can do an insane reckless attack than so can I!

Alice moves NW to the west bank of the river. She lights her precious invention and hurls it at goblin 8 in hope that the water will carry a film of boiling oil downstream to the hobgoblin elite and the goblin leader, ignitin the clothes at their feet. Maybe not enough to hurt them but enough to keep them busy avoiding the fire for a short while.
Make me proud!

Alice moves on north passing by Ashley and positions herself north of the grappled shaman ready to finish him off in case Ashley and Helga don't manage to.