thumbnail of Agrius_convolvuli.jpg
thumbnail of Agrius_convolvuli.jpg
Agrius_convolvuli jpg
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This guy flew in through the window in the middle of the night and buzzed around in the room. Host narrowly caught it as it collapsed in a corner from exhaustion and confusion before the cats could eat it and threw it out of the window again, so sadly no photos.

It was Agrius convolvuli, the Morning Glory Hawk Moth. A huge moth with up to 13cm wingspan, extremely strong  and fast flyer. I had never seen one before, host did decades ago. It's actually a subtropical species that only migrates north in summer like your Monarch butterflies.
Very nice and unexpected!

The weather abruptly changed within a few days - from bone-dry hot summer with more than 30°C to mid autumn with 8°C and heavy rain. It's gonna recover next week but the warm days are ogre.