Still on it.  I was going to migrate to Windows 10 in the summer and I was experimenting with Windows 10 on my uncle's old laptop.  His laptop's motherboard proceeded to kill itself, although I suspect it's due to him overcharging the fucker constantly.  Also the 0x80070643 error kept popping up, so it turns out we have to fix that problem manually, since Microsoft won't do it.
Other things taking my time was cleaning, looking for a job, and graduation prep.  It's been draining.  Now I have to delete Discord accounts on top of it, which takes even more time since deleting messages can take up to 24 hours per friend (all of those years of building up shit post messages).  This fucking thing is going to take 2 weeks.  I'm suppose to be out of college, but I'm still busy to the point of exhaustion.  Bleh.
I really want to move to Linux in the future since Windows 11 is such a fucking mess, and it even has more spyware in it.  I figured I might as well start experimenting soon once I can get a new CPU for this old x470 mother board and an AMD GPU, but holy fuck is everything expensive.