Welcome to /32/, Endchan's psychopolitics board. This board is a remaking, rethinking, and hopefully rebirth of 8chan's /32/ board.

The goal of this board, like the original /32/, is to study the ways that the mind, society, and politics influence and interact with one another. Subjects can include:
* Government propaganda
* Culture jamming
* Education and indoctrination
* Media narrative framing
* Subliminal messaging

The main goal of this board, just like the last, is to learn to detect, resist, analyze, and apply coercive techniques.
Among the aspects of that goal are:
*Analyze media for ideological messages
*Decompose of statements so as to show their true meaning
*Study memes, from their creation to their final effect. Possible experiment with meme creation.
*Discuss the ethics of psychopolitics
*Develop techniques for resisting coercion
*Find ways for those without media control to wage psychological warfare
*Unveil the inner workings of the media

If Sniffles from the original /32/ would like this board, he can email me at the address given above.