thumbnail of Bird Cage.png
thumbnail of Bird Cage.png
Bird Cage png
(1.04 MB, 1600x1280)
> muh 2048 characters

Third, the desire to be loved is a very strong one. It killed both GamerGate and the Tea Party. If it's possible to bring someone from within the establishment to create a pressure or fracture point, then this is ideal for turning the moderates against the extremists and causing them to shed the compass that keeps them oriented. It's very easy for people to grow starstruck, and when someone they respect and idolize gives them attention, they tend to listen, even if it's against their own self-interest.

Fourth, if you find yourself from outside of the Overton bubble, be mindful of other "allies" that seek to attach themselves to your cause. Having weak causes attach themselves can be harmful, and having too many connections to your little part of the web can create enough tension to the point where there is no direction. Too many friends can cause you become a locus of influence for hangers-on to attach themselves to you, attempting to gain relevance, and in the process diluting your message and lessening your pull on the window. Too many anchors in too many directions keeps you from pulling or going anywhere, and if you can't pull at those from within the bubble because of those on the outside pulling at you, then what good are you?