there is a distinct and sickening trend that is happening in this town I'm in, people are left and right and enthusiasticly selling their souls in order to attack belittle and insult me, despite me not ever speaking or having any kind of interaction with these people, I truly deteste these people, they are immature, misguided and absolutely delusional, they seem to see themselves as the arbiters of success, despite falling foul to all of the deadly sins and to just about any degenerate activity there is, I believe their words of hate come from the demons inside them that know the kind of person I am, that I am pure of heart, they hate that I don't have to use all of the crutches that they do, that I am a lone wolf and they could never be, they hold their head high despite no achieving really anything of note, they are extremely narrow minded, everything they are and every action they perform is with the sole intention of either having sex or being perceived as cool, in the media brainwashed celebrity obsessed sense, the end goal and planning is always around these two aspects, I call it the high school mindset, some people grow up out of this but most don't, I see this outlook as a very fragile nature to have in your personality.

the truth is though, they know deep down that they are hopeless and lost of gods light wisdom and love in my opinion, they know I cannot do anything which is absolutely the primary motivation for them to continue their actions.