you think youre smart but you simply are not

im trying to forget about the fucking gore ive seen and about the fucked up stories ive read online, not about someone saying the n word, retard 

> The internet was clearly the reason you never went outside,

i grew up outside and i go outside every day, you literally pulled that shit out your arse and you believed it wholeheartedly, the fuck is wrong with you?

> If you can't see the underlying currents, the undertow of the politic in people from words like Nigger and from their pathetic rebuttal of Blessed by God Jew

yet more skitsofrenic retarded gobbledegook

> If you allow yourself to be demoralized

im not demoralized, just jaded

> before the proper suicide is accomplished

thats never going to happen cunt

> fucking hate niggers.

im not black