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I noticed the conversation here and decided to stop by, and greet you on behalf of Endchan global staff.

 >>/288/  >>/290/
Thank you for helping the new users to get oriented, and get things running! We like to see such initiative, since the site is run by volunteer users such as yourself, feel free to do it any time.

Even I can't see IPs, just the same hash Board Owners do. The other Anon did good job of explaining things.

Endchan was opened in 2015, while there were some hiccups we have been providing continuous service since then. The site was themed after Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and analogous with the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, featuring that book, as you can find it on the home page.
I suggest looking around there, many useful information and links can be reached, such as the global rules, the logs or alternative access options (in case one or some are unreachable). The help, the faq, and the "Moderation Manual" - for board owners when logged in - can give some directions too.
Usually users can reach out via >>>/operate/ or can contact us other various ways (IRC, Telegram, Discord, Twitter), links also on the home page's top navbar. Please give us some time to reply, sometimes can take days until we are able to act in a meaningful way (like if something needs fixing).
As for the user numbers, I estimate Endchan has 50-200 unique users on daily basis. Hard to guess due to Tor, VPN, IP cycling, and some of the boards are hidden, and the actual number of users is unknown there. Users come from many places usually refugees from other chans. As the Anon above said, quite a few moved away from 4chan and 8chan/8kun.
As the Anon above said, sometimes various spam are posted on the boards, as far as we know the same illegal content hits many other chans. We remove everything ASAP, but happens that it can sit several ours before noticing. We also rely on board owners deleting such content, and the users reporting those posts, both are done with the form at the bottom of the page. Note: deletions don't need captcha, for global reports - for the global staff - mark the "Global" checkbox.

I hope this long text won't feel like intrusion.
Welcome to Endchan, enjoy your stay!