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I like corona with a slice of lemon, busch, bar and heineken. I haven't tasted a lot food from other countries but I like american food a lot. Kung Pao Chicken is fried chicken nugget with chili and peanuts.  It's quite delicious and the smell of chili pepper is good.
I heard Patlabor before but I haven't watched it. I know it's a little old. I will  watch it and share my thought but it takes time. It reminds me that there's an anime about the police called ハコヅメ〜交番女子の逆襲〜. How Japanese police officer work is quite similar to how Taiwanese police officer do since Taiwan was one of the colonies of Japan. And we basically copy their system of organization. You can take a look of it if you're interested but it's fine if you're not.
Yes I've been well!

I spent my time playing Overwatch and surf the internet these weekend. I thought you're gone because I said something wrong. I guess I just think too much. Sorry seeing you just makes me happy. ❤️