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Don't laugh. wwww
I'm not good at English and in fact, I mostly ask my GF to do the translation for me. So this is the reason it takes time to reply. Sorry about that.
5 mins is quite close. Is there any 7-11? Back then they were selling cola smoothie in 7-11 but now they don't. I miss it so much. It's cool to have one in summer.
I think vitamin b really wakes me up. Is there always online courses? Me at my college time I have to go to the classroom and there's the roll call. Sometimes I just wanted to skip the class.

Yes. I do mean the Holo from Spice and Wolf 狼と香辛料. Because I know the mod of this forum. He mentioned you before and that's why I know that you talked to him on Discord and you uses Holo picture?
What's your fav drink? I always get 2 cups of coffee every morning.
It's done! Please take it. Love you ❤️ Hugs

Do you watch Made in Abyss? It's a good anime and has lovely music. The reason I'm not into Chinese romantic songs is that I had enough of them. Japanese and Western romantic songs are way better. I think Chinese romantic songs all sound the same. Would you please suggest me more music?