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Furthermore I would say to all you /intl/ shrimps and plankton floating around Q movement: DO YOUR OWN SELF IN HOUSE CLEANING OF YOUR OWN NATION don't be all involved with Q just because America is the only nation with the guts for self reflection.  Look at you chicom bitches and Russkie Q fomentors, look at fucking garbage zone Russia Today channel, notice they do SHITALL about the intl globalist kikespiracy of kikism.  And yes I know Russians had more of their own people murdered by kikes in WW2 and yet see how they lack the national unity to voice their own violation!  See how they glom onto Q Operations in lieu of their own national introspection!  I assure you, when American Revolution and cleansing of DC and associated capitol cities happens here, we will be fine, Q works if anything, prep the dumbshits of this time tho the data has all been covered, it's like awakening a sleeping mass.  But all those nations who focus on US and not on themselves, will just be beggars at the gate.  Get your own infocircus under the heat lamps, as ours is right now.  We have Mockingbird ready for Thanksgiving dinner.  What have you all done in YOUR OWN COUNTRY?  What is a "Patriot" the root word is pater or "father" so to be Patriotic is to be fatherly to you own country.  Ask yourself if your actions on the web are those of a good father.  If they are not, then fuck off, of the Internet, entirely, please.  Thanks.  It needs to be fathered, and not by faggots or kikes or other people (priests) who have no idea of what fatherhood means.