thumbnail of 2010-census-counties-totpop-3D_1.png
thumbnail of 2010-census-counties-totpop-3D_1.png
2010-census-counties-... png
(195.11 KB, 1671x1015)
This map is nice, the tallness of the county "Peach Trees" Judge Dredd style tower, reflects the /intl/ invasion unspoken inside the mockingbird media, except to promote it.  Ask yourself, how do you wish your country and county, to look, to scientists?  These skyscrapers have nothing to do with Q or do they?  Is this the NWO?  Building skyscrapers in some counties?  Invasion is a basic military concept, but what tears will flow the most when Americans begin to respond?  By that day, will YOUR NATION and you can have only one, no dual citizens in the future USA have done its own "wake up the tards" Q Matrix style "redpill" work done?  Dpn't be spectators on this planet, be activators.  Specifically, of personhood rights for all the humans in slavery at this time.  We dislike global slavery, and yet these are the days of flesh sold cheap.  Where will you rally, if the rally point is suffering withering arty strikes?  To what backup plan (future proves past?) will you rush with your loved ones?  Mexico don got no Q but they got a lot of "que?"