thumbnail of 2010-census-counties-hisppop-3D.png
thumbnail of 2010-census-counties-hisppop-3D.png
2010-census-counties-... png
(177.51 KB, 1695x1015)
So now here is the similar map but the dark green in this map only reflects the growth of "hispanics" which is not a word, nor is it a people, except that it means "We don give no fucks and shits about your country tongue or speaking, we espeaka de spanich and you should too."  Why the fuck would I want to learn Castellano?  I am born speaking English, the spawn of lovely High West islands like Britain and Ireland and Scotland and Wales and hmm also the Dutchies and Germans, are way way more interesting than enspaainola.  Spain is boring (tho their monarch is certainly a nice fatherly man, hence a Patriot) in terms of the modern age.  It's impossible to remove the Jesuit from Spanish or the kike from Moses' Code.  Anyway if we make all the coastline into county-controplled timeshare rpoperties, then also notice how each county would then have a certain type of person representing them at the rivers and deltas and beaches.  Hmmmmm, if you are of that group who is know for loud anoying music you might just get shot in the future.  People will clap when that oompa band or other annoying thing your culture does around good white folk who don't do that thing is put to an end.  Know your county reps and force them to do right and gun up and be ready for the shitstorm lack that will boil over in all these crime-nations who have no Q to root out the pus in their national wound.