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> perhaps the US military will still work through contingency planning 

Man, that's all they do.  Reading, prepping, being ready.  It's not like they don't want to save America. it is their command chain is like all military men, they have born a heavy burden, for history, time itself, owes them better than what is given so far.  I speak of VC enemy and Russian dead guys of the future as well, they were military soldiers, worthy of respect.  "Planning" as you say, also involves, planning to be aggressive but also to explain the actions in the context of warfare.

>  but what about all those citizens (armed citizens I might add) who lose all their money in the banks and can't afford food or water after a currency collapse? 

They are part of a county and any county can go bad, not unlike a tonsil.  Carrying the analogy of a tonsil, well there's like 3,200 counties in the USA? That's a lot of tonsils that can go bad.  If the broad road leading to destruction, is packed with people having fistfights, and they don't know their own deaths are imminent due to their glomming up in the cities, well then I suppose they should have known their bible stories better.  BUT let's examine your point, well said: FOOD AND WATER WILL COST A SHIT TON AFTER THAT MOMENT UNTIL ORDER IS RESTORED and that is due to the kike and it's corporate golem and familiars AND YOU KNOW THAT YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT NOW DONT PLAY COY.

>  Unless the US military considers the fact there will be mass unrest to deal with

Consider it dealt with by a public microphone.  Did you go to occupy microphone?  You see in the future, Marxists shits and professors won't own the mic as they did at Occupy.  I know I went to two of them.  Unrest will become, unresting the dead old sekeletons, so that the people of the USA can have less squids sucking their brains oput via kike media and bad money and kill boxes no one asked for, etc.  

>  what are they going to do? Just kill off all those traitors around DC while We The People starve do death? 

Yes traitors will die, it'll be on television.  Obviously we will by then have ended the media bird's life and roasted it for Thankgiving.  MNF will also be coming back free as will VHS and UHF as free specturm.  AS I SAID, /intl/ will be disallowed.  We enever should have given the Internet to these lousy crapnations.  Let alone their imitators in our own lands.  ALSO I ask you, can't you obtain or grow food?  If not then you enabled that state.  I can hunt and eat fine where I live.

>  Whats coming is not only going to effect the government, or military, or politicians but the average US citizen too. What do we do when 90% are left to starve off and riot? Go innawoods? Katybar our doors and pray to God our homes don't get burnt to the ground?

You won't get to the woods by then but basically you need to have been prepositioned before now.  To get your grab ass self up to speed will take boot camp. Decent questions tho, forgive me if I am snarky or if I generalize, we got like 3 feet of snow this last few days here, and that's the price you pay sometimes for living in a biblical mindset, away from the Sodoms, Jerusalems and the other doomed cities.