Big Scam Mueller /watch?v=Sd4b4EtNMqg

American Intelligence Media

Published on Mar 10, 2018

FULL VERSION* Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss a recent uncovering made about the illegitimate basis upon which Mueller’s special council investigation is founded.

They refer to this article: 


Current Special Counsel rules were created by the very same cabal of DOJ careerists currently exploiting them to cover-up their 9/11 treason.

Fig. 1—L/R: Attorney General Janet Reno, President Bill Clinton at about the time that Reno inserted the "Office of Special Counsel" procedure (not a law) into the Department of Justice, thus bypassing Congressional oversight over the process of appointing and managing independent counsels.

(MAR. 09, 2018)—On Jul. 01, 1999 Bill Clinton's Attorney General Janet Reno created an internal administrative procedure (not a law) that she named “Office of Special Counsel.” Never mind that Congress had just allowed the previous "Independent Counsel" statute (a real law) to lapse the day before on Jun. 30, 1999.

Reno's Department of Justice (DOJ) went around Congress and fabricated a new Special Counsel procedure inside the department with almost dictatorial powers and zero accountability.