1 week ago

Agreed...He'll be known as Donald "Take the Guns now and get a Warrant later" Trump.

Kevin O
1 week ago

These diversions are a preface by deep state actors to cover their exit if and when Trump pulls the trigger on arrests by the loyal military.

kent knows
1 week ago

No one is exiting. Instead, things are being ramped up and the deep state/shadow government bully, is pushing hard on Trump. He, his family, his associates are under attack on all fronts. I don't know how the guy manages to hold it together under the stress. I worry that he'll crack at some point.

What "loyal military" are you referring to? There isn't any such thing. The military is a controlled entity. The people at the top are corrupt and part of the shadow government. Forget the Q hype and face reality. 

If there is any military action it will not be in our favor. 

Also, the events of the last few days should be a big clue to anyone paying attention: Trump does not have control of the military.

Iris Octon
1 week ago

Why is britain leading our ships into harms way against Syria and Russia.  We need to cut off cooperation with UK, most dangerous false friend this country has ever known.