And the DOJ, Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein continue to illegally block the Devin Nunes sub-poenas for documents. The DOJ is preventing Congress from going directly to the  courts.

The DOJ is corrupt and must be shut-down.

And please have a look at this:

Ok... HRC believed it was her turn to be president. 

People like Nellie and Bruce Ohr, the Podestas, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS invented a whole lot of sleazy nonsense about Trump.

They then placed this "intelligence" with a failed Ex British spy, and aid him both via Fusion GPS and FBI to feed the "intel" to the FBI.

Meanwhile they wanted Tom's pyle on Trump, to see if there was any real dirty instead of the stuff they were inventing. 

They planted Carter Page in the Trump campaign. Page is an FBI asset and had helped FBI jail 2 Russians for spying a few years back. They told a judge that Page was connected to Russians and needed to be surveillance. Under the FISA, anyone Page came in contact with is also surveilled. So FBI and therefore the HRC campaign got electronic access to the trump campaign.


Meanwhile Papadopolous was placed in the Trump campaign and was in London. This allowed GCHQ to help with surveillance from UK.

Even after Trump was elected, they continued with the surveillance. 



>  >>/159551917/