Fake Q says Trust Jeff Sessions.

Really Q?

Trump Goes On Rampage After Learning What Sessions Is Doing To Bury The Biggest Scandal In US History


The noose around the necks of Obama and Hillary continues to tighten with each passing day for their crimes with the Uranium One scandal where indictments are already coming down. Now in a bizarre twist, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is getting implicated in the whole deal with new evidence proving that he’s been working with Hillary and Obama this entire time to sweep the scandal under the rug. 

Ever since Trump got into office one year ago, he’s had no shortage of traitors constantly trying to sabotage his presidency. 

While many of us have wondered for quite some time just whose side Jeff Sessions is on, this breaking report confirms what many of us suspected all along, that he’s merely another Hillary puppet who’s existing in D.C. just to do her bidding and is doing everything in his power to further the cause of the “Deep State.”

For days now, the FISA memo has been on everyone’s minds, where its release is predicted to have huge implications on the Democrats. But for reasons that defy all human logic, Sessions is fighting to keep the memo from being released, idiotically claiming that this could damage our national security, and wants only the FBI to have access to view it. 

Gateway Pundit reports:

The Sessions Justice Department is calling on House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) to allow the FBI to review the “shocking,” FISA abuse memo to ensure its release will not harm national security. 

ABC News reports:

The Justice Department is urging the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, whose staff has compiled a secret memorandum purporting to show “shocking” political bias within the FBI, to give the department a chance to see the memo and warning that first sharing information from the memo with reporters would be “unprecedented” and dangerous.

Furthermore, the department said certain allegations of impropriety are completely unfounded.

“We believe it would be extraordinarily reckless for the Committee to disclose such information publicly without giving the Department and the FBI the opportunity to review the memorandum and to advise the [committee] of the risk of harm to national security and to ongoing investigations that could come from the public release,” a top Justice Department official wrote in a letter today to Rep. Devin Nunes, R-California. “Indeed, we do not understand why the Committee would possibly seek to disclose classified and law enforcement sensitive information without first consulting with the relevant members of the Intelligence Community.”

Despite these swamp rats’ efforts to keep the contents of the FISA memo hidden from the American public, the FISA MEMO was released, despite the opposition by Sessions, Rosenstein, the FBI, Adam Shiff and other libtards.

It’s absolutely unreal how Sessions remains in Trump’s administration. This isn’t the first time he’s been caught safeguarding Hillary and Obama’s secrets. 

A scathing report shows that under Sessions, the Justice Department downplayed critical evidence that linked Obama and Hillary to the Uranium One Scandal. 
