thumbnail of Xmas2010_1_.jpg
thumbnail of Xmas2010_1_.jpg
Xmas2010_1_ jpg
(302.64 KB, 911x645)
thumbnail of yawn0ztan.png
thumbnail of yawn0ztan.png
yawn0ztan png
(2.03 MB, 2946x2493)
thumbnail of Sleepy Station #6.png
thumbnail of Sleepy Station #6.png
Sleepy... png
(3.69 MB, 826x1169)
Tempted to make an edit of this with Grace (left) and Alunya (right) and use it as a Christmas card to send to leftypol and monarchy. Grace and Aurelia would have been ideal but /liberty/ seems to be dead. I was only able to find two images of z-tan worth making diaper edits