Part fucking 2:
Sexual stimulation is a strong motivator, right up there with food, water, sleep, etc., so they're automatically getting "rewarded" for being emotional, so they have no real reason to stop. It's a positive feedback loop.

This all leads to a serious problem: Women, much like leftists, are applying their fetishes to other people (which in a way is sexual harassment). They have trouble differentiating between reality and fiction, so they don't keep their fetishes in the bedroom. (Much like pride parades, actually.) This manifests in a variety of ways:
> Irrational hatred of men. (Which helped lead to the gynocentric man-hating modern society.)
> Self imposed beauty standards. (Which they blame men for.)
> Claims of "toxic masculinity". (Which women constantly promote.)
> Any "no winning" strawman situation. (Feminists do this a LOT. Nothing but fake scenarios in their head. Men are always at fault.)
> Assigning ill intentions to others. (All men are bad, all men have hidden agendas, etc.. In reality, it's the men they choose to date who are most likely to harm them.)
> Politics, voting, and society-wide decision making in general (ex. TDS. Similarly to NPCs, they always need a "bad guy" and "enemy tribe" to target. (Tribalism). Also women in any positions of power over others, like teachers and HR.)
> Thinking everyone wants to rape them. (Which has crossover with false allegations, and with rape fetishes. (Which are mainly held by women.))
> Putting themselves in bad situations just to experience the thrill. (And attacking anyone who suggests they should protect themselves. Also complaining about issues but hating men who try to help. Ex. getting blackout drunk, getting roofied, (preventative) self defense, having casual sex with stranger men, etc..)
> Voting for policies where violent criminals are forgiven or released early, or where immigrant men come into the country. (Women would HATE immigration if it was exclusively cute Asian women coming in. It's all a fetish to them.)
> Even in the very first American election, back in 1920, women were already voting for the wrong reasons. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dudHwko8wY8)
> False allegations, whether minor or major. (Rape, assault, complaining about ex, reporting to HR, etc..)
> Automatic hatred for sub8 men. (And all the bad things that come with that, like assigning morality to looks. Ex. "Looking good, Susan.")
> Using victimhood as "credit", so they can later "cash it in" and justify "taking revenge" on others. (Ex. with food and diets. Ironically it's the same "sex tokens" mentality that they accuse "nice guys" of having. It's all projection.)
> Housework. (And all the narratives surrounding it, notably AFBB and withholding sex\intimacy\etc..)
> Being overly sensitive or defensive, in general. (Which just boosts the victim status. And is very annoying.)