> also delastelle isnt a fucking ftm nor is the person in the picture, why do you guys believe everything except me when it comes to topics about ME.
Oh i dunno Cewwwl.... Maybe because you lie about everything constantly and your story changes every time you open your retarded junky mouth about a subject whereas your haters have remained fairly consistent?

You know you enjoyed the nigger dick, have probably shlicked to it since, I never had to brainwash you, I asked you if you wanted me to go the next day if you felt alienated and you asked me to stay and we kept things going fora few more days and I would ask you stay sober with me because I wanted to know the "real you." That one aged poorly..... The rest I really don't care tor respond to
Go relapse on heroin and od lul
> #I cbf to find the post...
I didn't groom puka and we were friends longer than you probably realize. If I'm such a predator than why the hell did I get so upset when I found out she wasn't actually trying to get away from that lifestyle and was actually talking with the lowest of the low?