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I was the one who pushed that retard to play his hand. People like that are really easy to figure out...
Supposedly dela was trying to groom her, idk how true it is. Supposedly I groomed her a few months ago. I didn't, we became friends, that was incredibly irresponsible on my part, I learned not to do that, like under any circumstances.

I didn't know shit about her when I met her(I'm new here, first met her on her /r9k/ thread and initially tried to tell her to leave 4chan in a nice way, she didn't, we ended up just hitting it off really well and talked for a while she kind of became my besty if you will. I'll admit I was over protective of her and eventually I found out about this one particularly scuzzy groomer was uhm... I'm not at liberty to say what was happening... anyway, when I confronted him everything went tits up.

Won't lie, still kinda bummed out about the whole thing and part of me misses talking to her but that's life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm pretty sure she hates me, perhaps rightfully so, and pretty sure she was the one telling ppl I groomed her because I was so mean to her "friend".

Groomers generally don't make public scenes when they find out their target is being targeted. Or maybe they do, I really don't know the groomer code of conduct.