fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[agatha2] - Endchan Magrathea
The speaker is referring to a situation where someone in the chat (referred to as "anon") claimed that a person on their stream was their boyfriend. The speaker is clearly shocked and strongly denies this, even making a dramatic statement like "I'M GOING TO KILL MYSELF" (likely meant in a hyperbolic, not literal, way). They emphasize that they consider everyone watching as their "bf" (boyfriend), implying that the person in question wasn't special or significant to them.

The speaker confesses they were extremely high during the stream and can't recall what happened, so they're asking their viewers if anything notable occurred. They're especially anxious about their singing, which they think was bad, and joke about doing a "redemption" performance to make up for it. The cringe from rewatching the stream was so overwhelming that they ended up deleting it.