thumbnail of victimizing themselves.jpg
thumbnail of victimizing themselves.jpg
victimizin... jpg
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I find this to be an extremely insightful image regarding women's constant victim mentality. Notice the phrases:
> stopped letting
A mix of claiming to be the victim, as well as a "strong woman" "rise against oppression" narrative.
> you deserve
Female entitlement, they think they deserve everything. They also do this thing where they tell themselves they deserve something, or that something isn't their fault. Legit self brainwashing.
> it's not your fault
Woman shedding accountability like a snake sheds its skin. And again she's just saying this to herself.
> they decide
Putting the blame on the other party.
Every inch of her speech is infested with this victim mentality. And notice how, lacking a man to blame, she blames the closest other entity to her, in this case a literal toddler. Get this through your head: The people around women do not matter. As you can see, they already have a premade phrase prepared for the situation, to blame everyone else.

And this leads to another very important point: The vast majority of women stopped mentally maturing long long ago, which is very evident in the pattern of them competing with literal children. They genuinely believe that these are their peers.
1. I remember back in school, female teachers would choose certain students to pick on, and to have malicious "rivalries" with. These are 55 year olds who choose to have a 12yo as their nemesis. AND THEY STILL LOSE.
2. Women claiming that they "can't go to the bathroom" without their toddler bothering them. How the FUCK are you this weak that a child overpowers you? Just teach them to wait patiently, lock the door if needed, and control yourself from going when called if it's not urgent.
3. Female dog owners completely neglecting their dogs' discipline. (Not really kids but it's the same principle.)
4. Single moms fucking up raising their kids in general.
Please understand that women live in a world where their actions and the things that happen to them are completely disconnected. They cause their own problems, and then act indignant when bad things happen. And then look outward for anyone else to blame. (They also refuse to learn and refuse to listen to advice. Go figure.)