He gets to the point around 40th minute. According to his version, naked photos were taken in April 2014, he compares Sam's hair cut, and color across time to prove. Winter coats outdoors - should be winter months prior. This evidence is solid. Sam Hyde happened after Christmas, not before. Marky was 16, she said it herself. Update your lore.

Another piece was misinterpreted by LtCorbis in her video, twitter posts and ruminated on in her thread would from this lolcow farm thread:
> Day 1 (April 11th-12th): I'm shattered. I stayed awake more or less from 8:40PM when I read your email until now, which is 9:56AM, with maybe two hours of sleep. I dreamt about you, dreamt we were communicating using some secret chat program that your mom didn't know about. I am sorry I can't just give you up.
> Maybe I will move to Fairbanks and get a job as a a janitor for the school.
Further down he mentions a boy that Marky is in process of "saving", could it be Charlie?

I'm not sure where to date the letter then, and why does he talk about these intimate details (her future university) like they had a conversation about them prior, yet Marky dumped him already?

Nah, he reveals himself as old time hydefag and outsider. His archive snapshots are from November, right about when Marky threads were getting steady posting last year. At 53rd minute he mentions a steam game gift to Charls :skull:. Props to his autismo infograph skills though, deciphering location from two iron bars in background is what should have been done back in 2015.