Women's concept of "insecurity" is extremely fucking retarded, and I don't wanna hear women complain about being "insecure".
For men, a man might be insecure because having a flaw will affect his chances of getting a woman.
For women, they're insecure when their flaws affect their chances of getting Chads. Meaning they're only insecure because they're Chad chasers. If they just considered any of the 20+ sub8 men around them as human beings, they wouldn't be insecure.
I'm sure you've seen something like this before: A woman is complaining about an insecurity (small boobs, overweight, glasses, tall, etc.) and a man comes along and says that she shouldn't worry, and he actually prefers women like that. Then the woman gets disgusted and angry, and lashes out at him.
Ever wonder why? Because she doesn't care about sub8 men or their tastes. They only care about Chads.
Which is also doubly stupid because even Chads have varying tastes, but obviously a woman's victim mentality is stronger than the truth.
So no, I don't wanna hear about women claiming to be "insecure", when they have a hundred men offering to date them and complimenting them at every turn, just because little miss shallow only has eyes for Chads.
That's another thing. They're complimented every day all their life, and STILL end up being insecure.
Legit insanity.