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thumbnail of it just so happens.png
it just so happens png
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I'm so fucking sick of hearing women claim that they have varying tastes in men. It's all just fucking lies, to pretend like they're not shallow.
In 20+ years, I have NEVER seen a woman whose tastes deviated from the norm. It's always handsome\buff\tall\rich\popular\confident. ZERO deviation. Not ONE woman who has access to buff men or something, but still chooses to go after a fat fuck man. Not fucking one.
Sure, when they approach 30, they'll begrudgingly get with a beta who's "only" a bit higher on the hypergamy tier than her. But those aren't the men they're ACTUALLY attracted to. You gotta look at the men they chase in their 20s.
What gets me about this shit is how they lie. They'll look you in the eye and tell a blatant lie right to your face. It's an insult to your intelligence that they genuinely think they're being believable.
The worst is when women do the "it just so happens". Rage fucking warning on this one, cause you'll shit yourself once you start seeing these. They're always the same
> "I don't care about height"
> "Tall guys turn me off"
> Mentions she had tall exbfs and includes their specific height
> Mentions her own short height (the bigger the height difference, the wetter their pussy gets)
> If she's post-wall, she's currently dating\married to average height or slightly short beta bucks 
> Either critical of alleged short exbfs' attitude, or exaggerated fake praise (sign of beta bucks)
> "I dated a short guy but had to break it off. It was totally because of his attitude"
> I had the most amazing kindest wonderful nicest ex who was a confident short man" (but she's not with him for uhhhhh no reason haha)
> "It just so happens that my current bf is 6'4"
> "I didn't pick him for his height teehee"
Every single time. Why the fuck can they never ever just be honest. Rhetorical question.