Thank you for your kind words. My mother was the most wonderful person and the cancer that ate her away was the most horrifying thing I've ever experienced. I can't hate women because people like my mother exist. This all happened a few years ago. I'm doing bad, but better.
Funny story, I remember being in an uber with a mexican driver (I don't live in the US so mexicans are uncommon.) I told him the story because it happened days before, he stopped he car and pulled over and said bluntly
> "Do you know what happens to these kinds of bitches where I'm from?"
Utter tense silence. We both just looked at each other with complete understanding as if our souls were one. It was quiet for the rest of the ride, not out of awkwardness or fear but out of white hot rage. Silent fury.
I channeled that into lifting and improving my mind so that I may never be abused by someone like that again.