New research has dropped regarding alpha fucks beta bucks dynamics, entitlement, and beta manipulation:

A woman reaches the wall without acquiring Chad, so she changes her dating strategy. Instead of trying to get Chads to commit to her (by throwing pussy at them), she chooses one of the backup men in her orbit, or gets a new simp. She makes it seem like a good deal for him at first. Plenty of sex\intimacy\good attitude\etc. during the "honeymoon period".
But, over time, especially after getting married and having kids for a while, she stops doing things for him (ex. starts withholding sex). She is no longer in any risk of losing her beta bucks provider, so she stops putting in any work to keep him.
She then starts making excuses, trying to manipulate him into thinking it's his fault, getting him to chase a red herring, so he doesn't realize she performed a deliberate rug pull on him.
> "He's not satisfying my emotional needs." (She withheld sex, kept rejecting him, he eventually stopped showing affection\initiating\trying. Now she claims this as a reason\excuse for why she's withholding sex in the first place, and will claim he's the one who neglected her first.)
> "I'm tired."
> "He doesn't do enough housework." (Even if this were a sincere reason (which it isn't. It's all manipulation), she's the one who creates the unnecessary housework standard in her head, then complains that she's tired, but also has the neurosis where she only accepts housework if it's done by her, but then it's the man's fault if he stops trying to do housework after tons of negative reinforcement when he does try, plus the neurosis to do housework and being unable to just fucking sit still for a moment and be happy.)
> "Hes not being affectionate\romantic enough outside the bedroom." (He was and has been affectionate the whole time they've known each other. He only stopped because he got pushed away repeatedly for years.)
It's all lies, all excuses, all manipulation.
And when he tries to fix those things, it doesn't solve the issue of her withholding sex. (Because the real issue is that she just doesn't want to bang a sub8 beta bucks provider husband in the first place.)
AND she's just gonna double down on it, and claim that he's only doing those things to get sex, and that now she "feels used". (Notice that they use that specific phrase when trying to manipulate men, similarly to how the term "real men" is also used to encourage beta behavior.)
They'll ALWAYS find an excuse to keep the man on a wild goose chase where he can never win, no matter how much he tries to fix the situation, because their goal is not to be happy with him, but rather to keep him as a beta provider without having to put in any work themselves.
It's very similar to the "bad personality" accusation. It's never that the woman is shallow, it's always that he MUST have some vaguely bad personality (and the woman can always detect it). It's always that the man MUST have done something wrong and he's always at fault and the woman is never at fault for anything.