Honestly, this kind of manipulation seriously sounds like what an abusive person would do. She wants to get benefits out of him, she starts a problem, the man complains, so they claim it's the man's fault for there being a problem. The man tries to fix it, but they refuse all solutions just to keep the problem. It's the equivalent of an abusive man going "look what you made me do".
For how much women claim men "gaslight" them, they sure seem to do it all the time. Surprise surprise, women are projecting and accuse others of the things they themselves do.
Oh and this also further proves how easily women will make false allegations against men, especially to save face.
I've also seen women claim that wanting a woman to want sex without her "emotional needs being met" is rape. So pay attention, they will very easily jump from one accusation to another more serious one. (Oh and they expect men to put in all the effort, and satisfy their emotional needs, without any of his needs being satisfied. As well as hitting men with the "You're not entitled to anything." line, all the while it never ever applying to them.)
It's a very selfish unidirectional thinking. A very narcissistic mindset. Her needs come first and only. Anything expected from her is oppression.
And why does this all happen? It's all because women refuse to be satisfied with their looksmatch. Shit, they aren't even happy with a Chad, either. They have an unresolved mental retardation where they sabotage their own happiness.