I'm still convinced that is some weird tranny LARP in a desperate attempt to take my "victory" away from me.
I was the one who exposed Cewl, I was the one who talked to delle in private, I was the one who figured everything out when I stroked his ego and played skitzo/dumb and got him to overplay his hand so I could be sure with what I was dealing with, I got him to reveal he was logging ppls ips(I knew he was on here, I didn't realize he was on the discord server) and when I pushed harder he had a bit of a melty well trying to stick to that cool and calm edgy hackerman persona but failed horribly.
I mean, maybe he's the reason Cewl fucked off, but she kinda went AWOL around the time ppl were giving her shit for liking BBC and the few simps she had lost any respect they had for her and after that Delle started popping his head up more publicly so unless he was already threatening her behind the scenes the timelines doesn't add up.
Also, I don't think it was him that was threatening to doxx her and reveal her antics to the general public at the time, that was another anon who hates her.
Delle is just some weirdo who tried to be a whiteknight and managed to fumble everything. That or a professional troll.