The way I see it, women have a few choices when it comes to relationships:
1. Stay alone, and cope with cats\wine\medications\misandry\etc.. Unattractive women who insist on chasing Chad usually do this. They can't get Chad, and they hate sub8s so much that they'd rather stay alone than be with their looksmatch.
2. Tons of casual sex, or otherwise a series of unfulfilling FWB relationships with Chads. These women are so retarded that they think their pussy is so special that they'll get player Chads to give up the game, just for them. Meanwhile, Chad is playing multiple of these women (who all think the exact same thing) and will kick them out when they become inconvenient.
3. Enter into a beta bucks relationship (especially when strategy #2 inevitably fails, aka she became post-wall). This is what most women do. She's not at all attracted to him, probably resents him, but she gets free shit and free stability. She might also cheat to get a crumb of Chad on the side, or divorce the beta in the future, and try strategy #2 again (and fail even harder).
4. Genuinely change their hypergamous mentality, lose the desire to chase Chad, and happily accept a man with a good personality who's her looksmatch (or below).