I think I've written about this before, but it's so interesting on a psychological level, that I just gotta rant about this again.
So, women want to be loved romantically and desired sexually and all that shit.
But they also really only want Chad, so they chase them, and ignore other men.
But these Chads don't really care about romance or love or attraction with these women.
But women still try to use casual sex as a social lubricant to get in contact with Chads, to desperately try to convince them to start a relationship.
But again, the Chads are just there for casual sex from the start, so they either tell her to fuck off, or they play her to keep getting casual sex, promising a relationship that never genuinely happens.
So going for Chads doesn't work. On the other hand, women have tons of men who would care for them and treat them well, but they're not Chads. But women do want this relationship shit. But only from Chads.
So they're kinda stuck in this retarded loop where they don't get what they want, but they also refuse to budge on their demands, and end up hurting themselves, but they're also disgusted by non-Chads, but those are the only ones offering what she wants romantically, but she refuses to accept them because they're not Chads.
And the funny thing is, if a Chad DID do all that romantic shit with her, she would suddenly lose interest in him.
It's like when women want rich men, but they don't like that rich men spend a lot of time at work earning money. They can never be happy until they break this retarded mentality.
No wonder women are full of fucking neuroses. They're constantly bouncing all over the place like a DVD logo, never actually reaching a solution.
The Female Dilemma. The men they want don't want them, and they reject the men who do want them, because they aren't Chads.