I agree, this is part of why men and women can't be friends. It's always heavily one sided in her favor, and when she's not leeching enough, or if the man asks for anything, she breaks the "friendship".
I honestly don't understand how women can maintain these obviously fake social connections with such vile fake people. Knowing that, even with the friendly ones, every nice thing they say about you is completely hollow and done just for show, or for getting an equally hollow compliment back (ex. comments on women's pics on social media). To know that you can't really trust 50% of the population, and even the other 50% that you can socially trust, you're risking leading them on or otherwise complicating things. And that's just the tip of the iceberg
It's funny. Women DO have problems, but none of them are what feminists or "pro-women" people talk about.