I don't like how women don't give direct answers to simple questions.
I don't like how they use simple questions as prompts to go on 5+ minute stories, while I'm standing there holding my dick waiting for an answer. To them, it's fun to talk at someone, but I'm asking for an actual reason, cause I actually have something to do, and I'm waiting on an answer.
I don't like how you ask one thing and they deflect and answer something you didn't ask.
I don't like how they're overly socialized to the point where a "yes" or "no" question is hard to get out of them.
I also don't like how they always blame men for everything. Here the excuse is that men are allegedly super evil and violent, so they'll totally instantly poopy diarrhea shart on her face if she gives a direct answer. (She met 5 different men for casual sex this week, after knowing them for 10 minutes.)
Were coed workplaces a mistake??? HR departments sure were, but maybe that's cause they're mainly run by women.
Idk, I don't think I'm this huge woman hating misogynist just because I ask for a simple answer to a simple question.
I remember having a hard time with teachers in High School because they'd do this shit. Ma'am PLEASE I'm actively trying to learn, but you're not letting me. Why does a 12yo Essayposter have to have better communication skills than a 50yo licensed teacher, who is supposed to know how to talk to kids. Why did I have to be the adult in the situation? Fucking shit.