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I mean... In some small way, sure. I saw a lot of potential for us to build a strong and fun friendship before it got weird and than she turned on me and my hands were kind of tied.
You are so obsessed with ripping me down. Like does that make you feel like a big man or something? It shows what an insecure pathetic douche you really are every time you post something like that. Based on the typing styles I estimate there are 2 or 3 of you and possibly just one....
Call me cringe but Jesus dude....
And yeah, the dropbox only had one, if you don't know about the others well than... it looks like she gave me some content she hasn't given to her other bfs. She said she had one a couple of them just for me... Maybe I really was special to her after all ^.^

Now you should probably consider suicide or therapy as nothing good will ever come out of your brand of negativity other than a few good laughs and your own misery.

I don't want to orbit Vamp, Like even if she was 18, that's still pretty young for my liking and I get the impression she's the kind of person that we would end up trauma bonding if we got to know each other in private.(Not a good thing)
I only talked to Cewl because she was chill and fun, once she got all obsessive and motherly with me I got spooked off, I don't want some emotionally complex bs like that.

From the sounds of it you're like in love/obsessed with Cewl, are you actually jealous of me something?