Well, see, the fall of Cewl happened back when the Covenant were still a genuinely intimidating and genocidal religious cult of aliens that wanted nothing more than to eradicate humanity and not the retarded ass cartoon characters/power rangers designed to appeal to little kids like what you see in modern Halo.
Basically the Covenant found Cewl and humanity fought them off for as long as they could, but everyone knew it was over before it began, but they didn't give poise to that fact, they kept fighting to the bitter end, and because of that, humanity managed to turn the tide of the war. Cewl was lost, but not forgotten, and the countless sacrifices allowed humanity to have a better tomorrow.

Also, she was being a cunt and I tricked her into outing herself and admitting that she really likes BBC porn. It was all a massive downward spiral from there.
That is the worst cope I've ever seen.
> I only simped on her so I could bully her more! for realsies!
Also, you know in her mind she was way more important than she really was. All I did was destroy her little fantasy world.
Hell, in a way pushing her off of Agatha is probably the nicest thing a man has ever done for her.
She'll ether go back to heroin or come out on the other side stronger for the experience.

You're just some lonely dickhead afraid to make friends so your relationships are all antagonistic.
Learn how to epress your feelins better Clubber Lane.