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thumbnail of HeathJoker.png
HeathJoker png
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I've been around junkies since I was born... I knew pretty much from the beginning what I was dealing with.
I told her that I was friends with Puka, and the way things ended genuinely still bothered me not that long before telling her I couldn't deal with her constant attempts at playing mommy/fixing me and bailing for a few days.

If you can understand why I would tell her that a few hours before drawing a hard line in the sand with her about respecting my boundaries and going so far as to cut her off for a couple days... Than everything else should make sense to you.

I even told her exactly what would happen if she did the aggressive thing and kept hating on me it would end really poorly for her. I even went so far as to tell her that someone impersonate me would contact her and make threats and she should just ignore it before making that raving post about how if she wanted to keep her bullshit up that she should know I recorded everything and I was going to "show proof about the disgusting things she was into" and she still chose to try to pass the blame off on me, like a typical drug addict, and in doing so, completely outting herself. I told her to dm me and we could sort things out in private, and she chose not to, so the game continued.

I don't need to go on, but you get the idea. I got in her head, and basically played Jigsaw in hopes she might fight her painfully predictable nature if given the proper guidance. To be blunt, she chose to play a little game, she chose a playstyle that she was warned wouldn't go well for her. I enabled her to get her shit together and stop acting like a child, or to continue this little tempertantrum and be spanked(non-kinky).
She chose the whopen.
We had phone sex... She gave me hearing aids.
It's just fun degeneracy when you're both fairly desensitized/depraved.
wut? There's someone else showing her gross things? I'll kill him!